Club Membership Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each Month: Sept-April
Meetings are held at 6:30PM – Membership meetings are at Westmoreland Fire Department in common meeting space – All members and their friends are encouraged to attend.
Our membership meetings typically are one hour in length. EZ Riders apparel is usually available for sale, registration vouchers are usually available as well. Officers discuss the upcoming events, clubs financial situation and inquire for new ideas and volunteers to keep our functions and club moving forward.
Annual Golf Tournament
Annual Golf Tournament at Crystal Springs Golf Course.
Annual Poker Run
Annual Poker Run is typically held in January or February – Information will be posted here or on current Facebook social media page.
Kids Snowmobile Safety Course
For those who are at least 10 yrs old can take the NYS snowmobile safety course for certificate to operate snowmobile on NYS trails. Register early. Lunch will be provided to students on behalf of the snowmobile club. Class is 9AM to 3PM at Westmoreland Fire Hall.
EZ Riders Kids Marshmallow Roast
No Date posted, is historically held at the tree lighting in Town – Mid December.
Club Ride
Plan a ride and notify EZ Riders members for a memorable event. Contact Club officers or attend monthly meetings to share information on social media.
Trail Closing Party
Trail Closing Party is typically 1st week of April!